Saturday, 18 May 2013

If you are going to drink, preserve your beauty by following this old Chinese strategy

Although drinking alcohol is a big no-no for those seeking beauty, sometimes it can’t be avoided.  And let’s face it, having a drink once in a blue moon can be fun!

Alcoholic beverages are not created equally.  Different beverages will have different effects on your body.  But alcoholic drinks are very dehydrating, so my first tip is for you to drink a little water either while or after you drink your alcoholic beverage.

Here are my thoughts on different alcoholic beverages:

Red wine/white wine (made from grapes) – these wines are much less damaging to your beauty than other alcoholic drinks.  Thus, if you have the option to choose, go with these over other kinds of alcohol.

Clear alcohols (vodka, rum, gin) – these kinds of alcohols mixed with fruit juice are your next best option if you can’t drink wine.

Watery beer (American and Asian varieties) – Europeans often tease the rest of the world for drinking watery beer, but this kind of drink is much better for your beauty than heavy European beers,  By ‘watery’ I am talking about the Budweisers, Tsing Taos and Suntorys of the world.

Heavy beer (European) – many European beers are heavy and usually much harder on your body.  For beauty’s sake, avoid them as much as you can (I’m talking about the Guinnesses, Hoegaardens and Erdingers of the world here).

Spirits – sweetened spirits should be avoided.  Just because they’re served in a pretty glass doesn’t mean they will make you pretty!  Typically, these drinks are made with syrupy sugar which can cause insulin spikes and premature aging.

Asian hard alcohols (rice wines) – Avoid these at all costs!  Rice wines are flammable and flammable substances have no reason to be in your body. :P

Pacing yourself with water can greatly help you avoid dehydration.  When you get home after your party, drink a few large glasses of hot water before bed.

Hope the above helps you stay beautiful!

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