When it comes to choosing a face cream, everyone has their secrets. Some look for SPF, others for no oil, others for extra moisturizing and still others for whitener. Often these choices come as a result of a woman’s culture, habits and of course skin type. In this article, I want to explain some of the broad face cream categories and how you can choose a face cream that is appropriate for your climate.
Firstly, let me just say that some of the creams I use in China, I do not use in North America. Why? Simply because of the differences in conditions between these two places. It is important to base your skin cream decision on the weather that you typically will be facing. Let me try to break down different climates and the manner in which you should approach each:
Hot and dry climates - why I say ‘dry’, I mean ‘desert dry’! This is the only climate where I would suggest using a cream that contains moderate amounts of oil. Normally, oily face creams clog pores, but in dry weather this oil acts as a barrier to the elements and helps keeps moisture in.
Hot and wet climates - it is very important you do not use oily moisturizers in wet climates. Doing so will cause your skin to grow sub-surface acne (sometime referred to as ‘blotchiness’) and blackheads. I suggest using a water-based face cream. In these climates, you do not have to worry so much about moisture evaporation (the air is already humid), so applying only a few times throughout the day should do the trick.
Cold and dry climates - if you live in an area that does not get much precipitation but still has temperatures below freezing, you really need to be careful. In these areas, the weather can do irreversible damage to your skin. Without proper protection, your skin could thicken, which causes premature aging and noticeable markings. Use a water based moisturizer that you can reapply often throughout the day. Because there is no heat associated with the dryness, your skin is not apt to lose its moisture. This is good in that it makes it easier for you to maintain beautiful skin despite the elements, but bad in that it can make it easy for your to breakout in pimples if you use an oil base face cream. Be sure to never travel in this weather without something covering your face (and NEVER use abrasive scarves made from wool).
Cold and wet climates – I hate these most of all! Canadian winters, for example, are cold and wet due to precipitation. This kind of weather makes people think they should be applying oil based moisturizers, when really this is the worst thing you can do! The combination of air moisture and oil will make your skin break out big time. Use a light, water based skin cream and wash your face often. This combination of washing and moisturizing will really help you maintain a clear, bright complexion in such dull weather.
And if after reading this you still don’t know what moisturizer to use, move to California. The weather there is always perfect.